Yeah I know alot you aren't going to be thorough so I'll give you a quick skim of things to know
skullgirls: 2D Fighting game
PS3, Xbox, PC (early 2013)
+Great soundtrack
+great art style
+ Likeable characters and surprisingly great story and immersive world. (Which is rare to hear in a fighting game)
+Excellent combo system for hardcore fighting fans
+Excellent tutorials for beginners
+ Great anti infinite system
+The first fighting game I have ever played that DOESN'T make me wanna kill somebody when I play online.
+ create a team of 1, 2, or 3 characters in a well balanced power system (one character is super powerful but three character are a "strength in numbers" kind of deal)
-Only 8 characters
-No in game moves list
-The game was released somewhat unfinished, missing an art gallery and two characters. (coming eventually through a patch)
-Absolutely horrible final boss
Verdict: 8/10
On a side note a shit load of people from NG lent their talents to this game as I discovered. Tomatmoto is the announcer, Rinachan is the final boss (ugh) and however the fuck you pronounce her name is Ms. Fortune. Plenty of artist had a hand too, Kirbopher was a clean up artist. I have no idea what that even means.
Sideway new york: side scrolling 2.5 D platformer
PS3 and PC only
You play as a graffiti artist named Nox on a search for your missing girlfriend. For whatever reason you decide to paint over someone elses art, because you know, you aren't in the middle of something important or anything. But it happens to be the art of a demonic thing or whatever and sucks you into the wall, turning you into a piece of living graffiti. You now must stop him and escape and stuff. Yeah.
+Excellent graffiti art style
+ Pretty cool 90's hip hop soundtrack
+ Platforming isn't restricted to just a 2D plain, what was the roof can now be the floor and so on
+Unlocks new powers constantly
+Tons of secrets and collectibles with some pretty good rewards for completion
+ New enemies introduced constantly
-Soundtrack skips or everything goes silent for a while
- The world outside your graffiti paintings is empty and bland
Verdict: Just go buy this game damn it T_T
Or at least try the demo!
Side note: Skullcandy was responsible for the soundtrack? Huh. I didn't know they made a record label.
I can't tell, is the ugh for Rina or for Hnilmik's name?
It's actually for Rina being the boss. God that boss is horrible....